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Books and silver objects from collections in Piemonte

Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino 13th February – 6th April 2015

Once again the National University Library let the public discover hidden “treasures”; it will be presented from 13th February the important and unique heritage of Jewish text

The exhibition “Judaica Pedemontana” will opens 12th February 2015 and will remain until 6 April 2015. The aim is to let the public known for the first time the extraordinary collection of volumes of the Jewish National University Library of Turin beside which will be presented silver and antique textiles Jewish-owned institutions and private that recall the content or geographical origin of the books on display.

The National University Library maintains a substantial and unique heritage of Jewish texts consists of manuscripts and printed books among which numerous incunabula and sixteenth. Jewish texts are either scattered in various locations of the Library as in the fund reserved for incunabula and Section Reserve among the most valuable printed books both grouped in separate funds as the bottom Heb. containing only books in Hebrew characters .

On 27th March 2015 an International Symposium will be hosted on the collectors of Jewish books in Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. The congress is sponsored and organized by the National University Library of Turin and the Jewish Foundation for Cultural Heritage in Italy, an institution which aims to promote the recovery, preservation restoration and enhancement of historic artistic Jewish Italian including all the best of cultural, religious archaeological, archival bibliographic and music and to disseminate knowledge in Italy and ‘abroad.

The conception and design of the exhibition is curated by Andrea De Pasquale; Director of the National University Library and Dario Design; President of the Foundation for Jewish Cultural Heritage in Italy.

The realization of the exposure was carried out by a Steering Committee composed of Gianfranco Fina; Lucia Frattarolo; Baruch Lampronti; Chiara Pilocane and Franca Porticelli. The displays and the graphic design are the Officina delle Idee under the direction of Diego Giachello.

The exhibition and conference are realized thanks to the support of Fondazione CRT, Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche Italiane, Fondazione Ebraica Marchese G. De Levy  and SVICO with cohoperation of Reale Mutua Assicurazioni, Fondazione Accorsi-Ometto, Archivio Ebraico Terracini, Comunità Ebraica di Torino e ABNUT – Amici Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino.
The conference will be realized with the contribution of Compagnia di San Paolo.

Location: Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Piazza Carlo Alberto, Torino
Period: dal 13 febbraio al 6 aprile 2015
Press previes: giovedì 12 febbraio, ore 12
Inauguration: giovedì 12 febbraio, ore 17
Timetables: dal lunedì al venerdì: 10.00 – 18.00; sabato: 9.00 – 13.00
Free entry

Informations for the public:
Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria
011 8101113 – 011 8101150 –

Informations for the press:
Fondazione Accorsi – Ometto
Vittoria Cibrario
011 817 08 12 – 335 694 88 75

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