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Comunità Ebraica di Bologna

Education and Culture Department of the Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche Italiane

Sunday 21 December 2014, 3pm

Ceremony at the Synagogue of Bologna in Via Mario Finzi 4 to mark the 60 year anniversary of the reconstruction

Speech by Daniele De Paz, President of the Jewish Community of Bologna
Speech by Virginio Merola, Mayor of Bologna

Concert by musicians from the Bologna Conservatoire

Entrance of the Sifreh Torah (Scrolls of the Law)
Barukh haba (Psalm 118)
The Scrolls are placed upon the Tevah
Speech by Rav Alberto Sermoneta, Chief Rabbi of the Community of Bologna
Greeting from UCEI representative


Ve attà Israel avdì (Isaiah 41 vv. 8-13) song
Speech by rav Luciano Caro, Chief Rabbi of the Community of Ferrara

Mizmor le David (Psalm 15)

Speech by Rav Aharon Adolfo Locci, Chief Rabbi of the Community of Padua

Lo amut (Psalm 118)
Speech by Rav Beniamino Goldstein, Chief Rabbi of the Community of Modena

Shir ha ma’alot be Shuvà (Psalm 126)

4.45 pm
Opening of the Holy Ark

Blessing of the Community

Placement of the Sifreh Torah

Mizmor leDavid (Psalm 29)


Lighting of candles for the 6th day of Chanukkah

Singing of Hatikvah, Israel’s National Anthem

End of ceremony

For further information: tel. 051 232066 – fax 051 4121559 – – via De’ Gombruti 9, 40123 Bologna

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