International conference “Sounds of a Fragmented Memory Jewish Musical Repertoires in Italy”
Fondazione Beni Culturali Ebraici in Italia is sponsoring and participating in the [...]
Fondazione Beni Culturali Ebraici in Italia is sponsoring and participating in the [...]
The Fondazione per i Beni Culturali Ebraici in Italia and the Center for Jewish Art invite you [...]
Fondazione per i Beni Culturali Ebraici in Italia and the Center for Jewish Art invites you to [...]
The day aims to deepen the Jewish life and culture in Siena as they manifested themselves [...]
SAVE THE DATE CICOP Italia ONLUS (International Center for the Conservation of the [...]
Umberto Cassuto. Da Firenze a Gerusalemme Presentazione dei volumi della Rassegna Mensile di [...]
Articolo tratto da Moked – Il portale dell’ebraismo italiano Pubblicato [...]
Hundreds of books, printed volumes and artefacts. Precious evidence restored to life once [...]
La Fondazione ha concesso il patrocinio all’importante Congresso internazionale Nuove [...]
La Biblioteca Nazionale d’Israele e la Biblioteca Palatina di Parma sono liete di invitarvi a [...]
La Fondazione per i Beni Culturali Ebraici interviene alla Giornata di Studi sul Patrimonio [...]
Percorsi negli archivi ebraici del Piemonte Mercoledì, 13 aprile 2016 – ore 16,30 [...]
Tuesday, March 29, 2016 5 p.m. Aula Magna Ateneo Veneto Presentation of the book VENEZIA E IL [...]
Domenica 6 marzo grande festa per la Comunità Ebraica Vercelli-Biella! Rientrerà infatti nella [...]
Held between Ferrara and Ravenna 14th and 16th September 2014 CONFERENCE ISACCO LAMPRONTI [...]
During the exhibition Gli Ebrei italiani nella Grande Guerra 1915/1918 (Italian Jews in the [...]
From 25 to 28 October was held in Vilnius an international conference on Jewish cemeteries in [...]
La Fondazione MEIS (Museo Nazionale dell’Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoah) presenta il convegno [...]
ITALIAN ARTICLE In occasione del finissage della mostra dedicata al Bologna Shoah Memorial [...]
a cura di David Palterer e Anita Friedman comunicato stampa _ Gerusalemme di lettere_luglio2015 [...]
Sunday, September 6, 2015, 4-6 p.m. The International Catacomb Society, in partnership with [...]
We share the news about the exhibition of Piero Sadun “Genesi di un artista 1938 [...]
European Day of Jewish Culture 2015 SUNDAY 6TH SEPTEMBER 2015 – 10 o’ clock Gardens [...]
Opened on June 21st the innovative Museum “The Jewish Heritage of Padua”, a [...]
The Foundation for Cultural Jewish, while meeting in Florence of the Council, offers two [...]
Torino, March 26 – 27 – Sala Convegni della Fondazione Luigi Firpo, via Principe [...]
PRESS RELEASE JUDAICA PEDEMONTANA Books and silver objects from collections in Piemonte [...]
Now open at Palazzo Madama in Turin, a vast exhibition which presents a narrative journey [...]
Coinciding with the completion of the first stage of extraordinary maintenance works, a [...]
Click here for the event poster Comunità Ebraica di Bologna Education and Culture [...]
Curated by Giancarlo Lacerenza 5 December 2014 – Mariapina Mascolo “I beni [...]
World premiere Pisa’s Teatro Verdi presents the world premiere of the opera by Giancarlo [...]
WARNING : EXHIBITION EXTENDED until 26 March 2015 Inaugurated the exhibition that celebrates [...]
Conference held by Prof. Amira Meir of Beit Berl College in Jerusalem, dedicated to the ketubah [...]
Organised by the Politecnico di Torino, the Conference will focus on three areas: 1) History [...]
Concert sponsored by the Fondazione per i Beni Culturali Ebraici in Italia Following its [...]
International conference organised by MEIS in partnership with the State Archive of Ferrara, [...]
Between vision and Jewish identity, is the second part of the title of the exhibition on 20th [...]
From 12 June to 5 October, the Galleria d’Arte Moderna in Rome will host the exhibition [...]
We publish the photos of the visit of May 15th 2014 organized by the Board of the Foundation [...]
The Foundation has granted its patronage to the following event :
It is the night between 25 and 26 January 1904 when a fire broke out in the National University [...]
For the European Day of Jewish Culture 2013, which will take place Sunday, September 29th , the [...]
From August 25 to September 2013, a week of art, culture and Hebrew literature in Trani, [...]
The Foundation represented the Italian Jewish Communities during the Rotshchild [...]
The Foundation for Cultural Jewish takes part in the extraordinary event Florens 2012 and while [...]
Concerts, films, lectures, courses of Hebrew language, Jewish book fairs, guided visits to [...]
For the European Day of Jewish Culture 2012, which will take place Sunday, September 2 , the [...]
For the European Day of Jewish Culture 2011, which will take place Sunday, September 4 , the [...]
For the European Day of Jewish Culture 2010, which will take place Sunday, September 5 , the [...]
The Jewish Temple of Florence was designed and built between 1874 and 1882 by the architects [...]
The Jewish Community of Vercelli and the Foundation for Jewish Cultural Heritage have the [...]
For the European Day of Jewish Culture 2009 , which will take place Sunday, September 6 , the [...]
The President of Foudation Bruno Orvieto was at the event Archaeology in Venosa: The project of [...]
Fondazione per i Beni Culturali Ebraici Università Torvergata – Centro Romano di Studi [...]
For the European Day of Jewish Culture 2008 , which will take place Sunday, September 7 , the [...]
The President of Foundation Bruno Orvieto took part at the conference The Jewish cultural [...]
With the honour of patronage of Senato della Repubblica, the Fondazione per i Beni Culturali [...]
CASA DELLE LETTERATURE – Comune di Roma Assessorato alle Politiche Sociali in [...]
For the European Day of Jewish Culture 2007 , which will take place Sunday, September 2 , the [...]
The Fondazione per i Beni Culturali gave his patronage to this event::
For the European Day of Jewish Culture 2006 , which will take place Sunday, September 3 , the [...]
La Fondazione per i Beni Culturali Ebraici ha sostenuto il Convegno “Judei de Urbe Roma e [...]
The Fondazione per i Beni Culturali Ebraici presents:
The Fondazione per i Beni Culturali Ebraici in Italia gave his patronage to this event:
Since the first edition of the European Day of Jewish Culture, the Foundation for Cultural [...]
The Fondazione per i Beni Culturali Ebraici in Italia and Centro di Cultura della Comunità [...]
Goethe Institut Inter Nationes Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche Italiane Fondazione per i Beni [...]
The Fondazione per i Beni Culturali gave his contribution to the realization of this event:
Fondazione per i Beni Culturali Ebraici in Italia Istituto Ugo La Malfa Centro di Cultura della [...]
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