The Fondazione per i Beni Culturali Ebraici in Italia is one of the partners of the European project MiDorLeDor Europe (MDLDE): a training and professional development programme dedicated to the [...]
Today begins the solemnity of Rosh ha-Shanà, the Jewish New Year. We wish you Shanà tovà, a Happy New Year, with this precious Meil from the early 19th century, in ivory damask embroidered in [...]
The Foundation for Jewish Cultural Heritage in Italy gave its patronage to the important cultural enhancement event “Jewish catacombs in Italy. Research, experiences and [...]
The Fondazione per i Beni Culturali Ebraici in Italia and the Center for Jewish Art invite you to listen again to the online conference “Jewish Crossroads: Between Italy and Eastern [...]
A world, the Jewish one, rich in memories, traditions, rituals, stories. A story that lives on today throughout the territory from north to south, from east to west, from cities to countryside. A [...]
Archives are our historical memory, a physical remnant of the daily lives of those who produced the materials. ASCER (the Historical Archive of the Jewish Community of Rome) 1H7 Register conveys [...]